While searching for “hot” blog topics, I came across this site with its most current blog discussion talking about the idea of Remote Control Humans. As soon as I saw this I did a double take and was like, what the heck? I read the short blog on Blogma, a news blog on the web. Basically a process called galvanic vestibular stimulation messes with nerves in your ears, really delicate ones and causes you to be off balance. This Japanese technology can control bodily movements which is really frightening, in my opinion.
A journalist by the name of Yuri Kageyama wrote in an article on CNN.com her take on this new technology; she experienced first hand the technology that caused a stir among bloggers, who sent the info to Blogma, (and they write about the hottest blog topics that bloggers are talking about on the web.) The technology was created by a company by the name of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp., and the experience of Kageyama, as put in her words, “I found the experience unnerving and exhausting: I sought to step straight ahead but kept careening from side to side. Those alternating currents literally threw me off.” (Kageyama)
I’m not very scientific myself, but I just wanted to write about it a little bit because I thought it was extremely interesting. It is nuts how impersonal technology is getting. I really don’t like the idea of someone being able to control my body. Some scientists think this technology is going to be a big breakthrough and that it will be great for training people in flight simulation programs for pilot training.
The unfortunate thing is that the side-effects on humans are not yet understood or known. I personally don’t like the idea and regardless of the positive effects, I don’t like the idea of being controlled. It makes me think of Big Brother from 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and even Anthem by Ayn Rand and it makes me feel slightly sick to my stomach. (Brave New World I think is one of the most disturbing, yet, most accurate depiction of what our world could come to. Someone controlling my mind or even knowing my thoughts without my consent is almost a form of identity theft and it makes me so bothered I don’t even like writing about it anymore…
A journalist by the name of Yuri Kageyama wrote in an article on CNN.com her take on this new technology; she experienced first hand the technology that caused a stir among bloggers, who sent the info to Blogma, (and they write about the hottest blog topics that bloggers are talking about on the web.) The technology was created by a company by the name of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp., and the experience of Kageyama, as put in her words, “I found the experience unnerving and exhausting: I sought to step straight ahead but kept careening from side to side. Those alternating currents literally threw me off.” (Kageyama)
I’m not very scientific myself, but I just wanted to write about it a little bit because I thought it was extremely interesting. It is nuts how impersonal technology is getting. I really don’t like the idea of someone being able to control my body. Some scientists think this technology is going to be a big breakthrough and that it will be great for training people in flight simulation programs for pilot training.
The unfortunate thing is that the side-effects on humans are not yet understood or known. I personally don’t like the idea and regardless of the positive effects, I don’t like the idea of being controlled. It makes me think of Big Brother from 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and even Anthem by Ayn Rand and it makes me feel slightly sick to my stomach. (Brave New World I think is one of the most disturbing, yet, most accurate depiction of what our world could come to. Someone controlling my mind or even knowing my thoughts without my consent is almost a form of identity theft and it makes me so bothered I don’t even like writing about it anymore…