Monday, April 07, 2008

So how does one become a famous blogger? I would love to know because I would love to do this for a living and believe me when I say, I could definitely write on almost anything you give me to write about. Even if I don't know much about it, I'd google it and surely give you something of substance to think about. ANY ONE OUT THERE?

okay, so I'm trying to get my blog seen. How do I do that? And what do you need to know about me that doesn't involve giving my social security number, last name and street address so that I can still be a super awesome blogger that everyone wants to read? Well, I don't particularly want to write about Paris Hilton, but if someone posed a discussion question, I wouldn't mind responding.

Come on, people, let me be your blogger of choice! I promise to be interesting. And to give you some interesting topics of discussion. As long as I know you're reading me. So here's for a start. I'm a professional blogger and I just need an interested audience, or a bored one, so I can liven them up, your decision people.


Peace, Love and Internet Hugs,

the babe


Blogger David said...

Well cscenglishbabe, shortly after you helped me learn about blogging I started doing it and grew to like it a lot more than I expected to. It took a long time for the small cluster of readers to appear, like maybe 6 months or so. It happened as I started reading and commenting on others' blogs.

Some of the blogs I read that get a lot of hits are humorous personal stuff. There's this one blogger from Canada, romi41 that's closing in on 40,000 hits on her blog about her search for a mate. She's funny and not afraid to be a little graphic in the name of comedy.

My own blog on WordPress is a lightly comical personal blog with lots of photos taken on bike rides or around the home and garden. Our dog Oliver has his own fan club so I have to post about him every so often. I have a weird cluster of readers, from Seattle, India, Madrid, Bangalore, Ohio, Texas, Cape Cod, and assorted other places. I've been at it just over a year and just broke 10,000 hits. There's probably lots of websites that tell you how to blog "professionally", so go for it lady!

2:12 PM  

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