Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wow, I abandoned this blog again, I'm not sure what to do with it, well, I do want to keep it. I just kind of want to put a theme to it. Because I like the blog, I just want to, I guess being the literary person I am, have a theme to it, but it doesn't have to be literary of course. There will be literary aspects, because I am a writer, but I won't constantly bore you with analyses.

Currently listening to A Fine Frenzy's "You Picked Me" a free download from Itunes. Has a jazzy, soft alternative sound. I really miss having my radio show. I used to have so much fun doing that show. I suppose if I had an ideal situation with the perfect career, I'd be writing, doing a poetry radio show on the weekends, sipping a soy iced caramel macchiato because ideally there'd be a Starbucks with my favorite baristas just next door, or across the street to be more discreet.

So I sprained my ankle on Monday, slipped out of those slippers that have no backing on them, my ankle went one way it wasn't supposed to, and I heard a crack, but no break showed up on the X-ray, so that was good but it still is slightly swollen around the joint area. My dad and mom keep thinking I was overreacting and that it didn't hurt, but I personally think that it's difficult to judge someone else's pain. I never try to judge another person's pain, unless the person seems to be taking advantage of those around them. I know people like that, so I try to be very conscious of it and not be pushy when you might need extra assistance. I do my best with that, but I hate how certain people in my life act as if I have absolutely nothing to do, and they make me do EVERYTHING possible that THEY themselves don't want to do, and then when I'm injured, they STILL want me to do things that are physically difficult when you're on crutches and you're ankles are sore.

Anywho, it's a bit difficult to write and listen on the phone at the same time...



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