Thursday, May 01, 2014

My most current blog is available at. I actually forgot I had this one!

Monday, April 07, 2008

So how does one become a famous blogger? I would love to know because I would love to do this for a living and believe me when I say, I could definitely write on almost anything you give me to write about. Even if I don't know much about it, I'd google it and surely give you something of substance to think about. ANY ONE OUT THERE?

okay, so I'm trying to get my blog seen. How do I do that? And what do you need to know about me that doesn't involve giving my social security number, last name and street address so that I can still be a super awesome blogger that everyone wants to read? Well, I don't particularly want to write about Paris Hilton, but if someone posed a discussion question, I wouldn't mind responding.

Come on, people, let me be your blogger of choice! I promise to be interesting. And to give you some interesting topics of discussion. As long as I know you're reading me. So here's for a start. I'm a professional blogger and I just need an interested audience, or a bored one, so I can liven them up, your decision people.


Peace, Love and Internet Hugs,

the babe

Friday, March 21, 2008

I don't know if anyone reads this out there in cyberspace, but how would people feel, or would anyone at least be interested in reading a novel in progress? Comment either way! Thanks!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I broke my digital camera and I'm absolutely frustrated! I wanted to do some photography and I unlocked something on my tripod thinking it was going to help loosen the camera off the tripod and it dropped the camera to the floor, and now it won't take pictures because the button's stuck, instead, whenever you turn it on it takes a picture. The ankle's still swollen, but I'm hoping my doctor's visit on Friday will prove that it will be better soon, but if there is something more wrong, I'd like to know so it can be fixed. I have a miserable cold and a cough, but I'm hoping it will be better soon as well. Still unsure of what to do about getting another blog.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I suppose I should explain my username: cscenglishbabe. Where on earth you might wonder, did I come up with that? Well, I tell you, it's very simple actually. I was an English major in college, (which btw, as is understood by all English majors, we can make up our own words, use internetspeak, and be grammatically incorrect because the rest of the world doesn't know much about grammar anyway...and spelling's optional, but I tend to twitch if I see a lot of spelling mistakes, though the website LOLCATS'NCHEEZEBURGERS or something to that effect is an exception because it's unbearably adorable and cute) and a shortened way of saying my collegiate institution was CSC, and no one really knows what I look like, and in our modern, new age, love, peace and let's all be beautiful world, I thought, well, why can't I be a babe too. So there you have the not so Latin breakdown of my fabulous username. CSCENGLISHBABE. Read me. And no that was not a deep metaphor, I was speaking literally. Alrighty, I should be doing something useful. Or possibly useful.
Wow, I abandoned this blog again, I'm not sure what to do with it, well, I do want to keep it. I just kind of want to put a theme to it. Because I like the blog, I just want to, I guess being the literary person I am, have a theme to it, but it doesn't have to be literary of course. There will be literary aspects, because I am a writer, but I won't constantly bore you with analyses.

Currently listening to A Fine Frenzy's "You Picked Me" a free download from Itunes. Has a jazzy, soft alternative sound. I really miss having my radio show. I used to have so much fun doing that show. I suppose if I had an ideal situation with the perfect career, I'd be writing, doing a poetry radio show on the weekends, sipping a soy iced caramel macchiato because ideally there'd be a Starbucks with my favorite baristas just next door, or across the street to be more discreet.

So I sprained my ankle on Monday, slipped out of those slippers that have no backing on them, my ankle went one way it wasn't supposed to, and I heard a crack, but no break showed up on the X-ray, so that was good but it still is slightly swollen around the joint area. My dad and mom keep thinking I was overreacting and that it didn't hurt, but I personally think that it's difficult to judge someone else's pain. I never try to judge another person's pain, unless the person seems to be taking advantage of those around them. I know people like that, so I try to be very conscious of it and not be pushy when you might need extra assistance. I do my best with that, but I hate how certain people in my life act as if I have absolutely nothing to do, and they make me do EVERYTHING possible that THEY themselves don't want to do, and then when I'm injured, they STILL want me to do things that are physically difficult when you're on crutches and you're ankles are sore.

Anywho, it's a bit difficult to write and listen on the phone at the same time...


Sunday, June 03, 2007

I suppose it's been awhile since I've posted...seeing as it was February when I last wrote, lol. A lot of things have happened since then. I was commencement speaker at my graduation and so scared I puked the night before. Hey, even actresses get nervous.

I kind of want to take an online wiccan course, but I don't know how much time it will require. There's a free one offered through the "Firefly Academy" and it sounds like a more credible site than others I've examined. Especially since it doesn't ask for your money to upgrade. We'll see what the time requirements desire, and if it's alright to do it and not have to read the material by a certain time everyday I might be good.

Right now I'm trying to "cleanse" my room of all my pack rat packings I've kept over the years. Quite nutty really. I should probably get back to that. Leave a note if you're interested in chatting!

Friday, February 23, 2007

It's quite an icky feeling when you fail a test, especially if you haven't failed one for a long time and it's just really frustrating that I don't know where I went wrong. I studied for my HTML test and still received a forty-six. The other thing that' s been bothering me lately is that my relationships with certain people in my life are frustrating me. I've been having feelings of envy and jealousy because I'm tired and frustrated of giving my all and not getting much in return. And livejournal is being kind of annoying right now, not loading and not being able to access it is frustrating me. And if they take away my journal or something stupid like that I'm gonna be pissed.

I guess it's just one of those weeks where everyone and everything is bothering me to a point where I want to scream or punch a wall. I have way too much to do and very little time to do it in. Capstone's fun and frustrating at the same time.

I think I like a guy, but I don't know how he feels about me and whether or not he really is a decent guy to ask out. He's also someone I have to work with in an extra-curricular activity, and if we have a lot of things to do together and I end up falling hard for him, it's going to suck. Relationships are not my strong point. Talking with boys when I like them is not my strong point. And I really can't afford to worry about anything too much right now, but you know how it is. Life hits you when you least expect it. And as an English major I should probably know that by now.

I think I'm going to start writing in this blog more often now. Seeing as Livejournal's being a douchebag. Or maybe it's the school security system, I have no idea. Just wanted to vent. Really needed to vent actually. Peace out. Blessed Be and all that jazz.